How To Feed Wheatgrass To Your Kitty Cat


It's important to let your indoor cat eat fresh, living, leafy food. They instinctively crave it (that's why they bother your houseplants). The food we usually feed pets is abysmal, consisting of low grade industrial meat and grain fillers, with none of the living enzymes, vitamins and fiber they would take at will out in the wild. Most cats eventually get diabetes, renal problems, or other degenerative diseases, thanks to their inflammatory diets. It's good to give them natural wild food as much as possible.
Cats love their routines. If you hand-feed a little wheatgrass every day (say, first thing in the morning), they'll look forward to the familiar interaction with you. Otherwise, it's okay to just leave the tray sitting out... but not as much fun.
The cat in this video, 'Pokey', is a rescued feral cat who was trapped in a dumpster behind the lanyards store warehouse. He's come a long way since we adopted him. We have other rescued cats which are being fostered and will hopefully be adopted. All are now housebroken, friendly and fixed. You can see them here:

For Pets Health
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