She Was Over 80 Without A Single Grey Hair! The Secret Is In This Drink


When it comes to cleansing the body of toxins, it’s always the right time. One of the best ways to do this is using the most powerful means of detoxification – wheatgrass.

Today's video will discuss The Secret Drink to treat Grey Hair.

Wheat grass acts like pure solar energy, and only 7.5 grams of wheatgrass has the same nutritional value as 175 grams of carrots, lettuce or celery. Its cleansing properties were known even in the time of pharaohs.

Today, when we cope with stress, pollution, harmful radiation and unhealthy food more than ever, its detoxifying function seems even more important.

Wheatgrass juice returns the color of grey hair,

Regular consumption of fresh wheat grass juice provides many advantages, one of which is slowing grey hair growth and restoring natural hair color.

The first person to promote drinking juice of young green cereals was Dr. Ann Wigmore. She studied the healing properties of wheatgrass juice in detail developing and describing fully the process of growing wheatgrass in shallow containers at home or elsewhere. She even came up with and inexpensive wheatgrass juicer in order to make this elixir of life available to everyone.

She Was Over 80 Without A Single Grey Hair! The Secret Is In This Drink.

At 82 Dr. Wigmore did not have any gray hair! It was so incredible that her students asked for a permission to examine her hair in the laboratory. The results showed that it was her natural color!

Due to its high content of chlorophyll, amino acids, minerals, vitamins and enzymes, wheatgrass provides a wide range of both health and medicinal benefits.

It’s recommended to start with 30ml juice per day, gradually increasing it to 30ml twice a day.

Wheatgrass can also be included in a shake.

Mix the following ingredients in a blender:

30 ml wheatgrass juice
a tablespoon of chopped mint

a cup of pineapple
a cup of orange juice

half a cup of lemon juice
a teaspoon of honey
2/3 cup of ice

Wheatgrass juice is also an excellent blood cleanser and helps in skin regeneration.

Have you ever try this Secret drink? Let me know in our comment section below.


Hair Health
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