Should I give wheatgrass to my pets? Animals and wheatgrass. Michael Bergonzi


Michael has been a wheatgrass / sprout grower since 1990 (he knows his wheatgrass), working in the alternative health field for some of the best wellness centers in the country. Being witness to over 10,000 people who have gone through a detox program, drinking wheatgrass, eating raw / living foods and watching the results is the reason he now owns his own wellness center: Vibrant Health Institute This is not about reading anything 'right or wrong' on the internet. It's about REAL LIFE! To understand anything about health and your own body, it's important to do actually do it for yourself and feel the results. *Personal consultations & cleanses available, in South FL or at your location. Email for details. To learn more, please watch his FREE 2 hour lecture here on YouTube: Also, visit: or his personal website:

For Pets Health
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